פריטים שנמצאו: 13     מחבר: Baxter, Nicola
לפרטיםשם הספרמחברשנהסימן מדףהזמן
14773 The Princes and the Pea Andersen, Hans Christian 1993 f(ch) AND
14775 Puss in Boots Perrault, Charles 1993 f(ch) PER
14783 The Big Pancake 1993 f(ch) BAX
14817 Little Red Riding Hood Grimm, Jacob 1993 f(ch) GRI
14820 The Enormous Turnip 1994 f(ch) BAX
14892 The Little Red Car Baxter, Nicola   f(ch) BAX
14894 The Little Blue Tractor Baxter, Nicola 1995 f(ch) BAX
19646 The Three Little Pigs   f(ch) BAX
19650 Goldilocks and the Three Bears   f(ch) BAX
29147 Sam Tractor to the Rescue Baxter, Nicola   f(ch) LAD
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