פריטים שנמצאו: 8     מחבר: Carroll, Lewis
לפרטיםשם הספרמחברשנהסימן מדףהזמן
14879 Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 1994 F(y) CAR
15025 Alice in Wonderland siweL llorraC, 1865 F CAR
15026 Through the Looking Glass Carroll, Lewis 1872 F CAR
17655 Through The Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There Carroll, Lewis 1994 N CAR
19634 Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 2003 F CAR
25181 Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis   F(y) GOO
28980 ALICE IN WONDERLAND Carroll, Lewis   F(y) CAR
45684 Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 2018 f(ch) CAR