פריטים שנמצאו: 7     סידרה: Twelve Famous Stories from World History
לפרטיםשם הספרמחברשנהסימן מדףהזמן
15722 Christopher Discoverer:Columbus of the New World 1983 S DAR
15726 William The:Shakespeare Most Famous Poet the World Has Ever Known 1983 S DAR
15727 Joan of The:Arc Maid of Orleans 1983 S DAR
15729 The:Socrates Man Who Asked Questions 1983 S DAR
15733 Captain A:Scott Hero of the South Pole 1984 S DAR
15734 Galileo The:Galilei Man Who Brought the Stars to Earth 1984 S DAR
15736 Julius The:Caesar Greatest of the Romans 1984 S DAR