פריטים שנמצאו: 12     סידרה: Longman Fiction
לפרטיםשם הספרמחברשנהסימן מדףהזמן
16228 Cry, the Beloved Country Paton, Alan 1997 F PAT
16233 Island Of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott 1996 F ODE
17237 David Copperfied selrahC snekciD, 1997 F DIC
17621 The White Mountains Christopher, John 1997 F ChRI
17622 Silas marner Eliot, George 1997 F ELI
17625 Crime Story Collections Allingham, Margery 1998 F All
17642 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark 1998 F TWA
17643 Stories of Detection and Mystery 1997 F STO
17644 Outstanding Short Stories 1999 F ThOR
19080 Brave New World Huxley, Aldous 1997 F HUX
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