פריטים שנמצאו: 9     מחבר: Laird, Elizabeth
לפרטיםשם הספרמחברשנהסימן מדףהזמן
14989 Anna and the Fighter Laird, Elizabeth 1992 F LAI
17225 The Earthquake Laird, Elizabeth 1999 F LAI
17670 Simon and the Spy htebazilE driaL, 1997 F LAI
17767 The Storm Laird, Elizabeth 1999 F LAI
17770 Karen and the Artist htebazilE driaL, 2008 F LAI
19537 Anita's Big Day Laird, Elizabeth 1998 F(y) LAI
19538 Dead Man's River Laird, Elizabeth 1999 F(y) LAI
36766 Simon and the Spy Laird, Elizabeth 2008 F(y) LAI
50450 Karen and the Artist Laird, Elizabeth 2008 F LAI